Service Availability Webhooks

For updatedge to make use of your webhook implementations you are required to implement two mandatory endpoints. These endpoints are called when you add your base service url to the updatedge portal on your company profile. See the webhooks overview for more details.

Test Endpoint

Incoming Request (for you to receive)

HTTP GET /test

This endpoint is called by the platform in order to determine your endpoint is up and running, regardless of any authentication.

Expected Response (for you to send in return)

HTTP 200 - OK

Any other response will be treated as a failure and your company profile base service url will not be saved.

Test Authorisation Endpoint

HTTP GET /test/auth

This endpoint is used to check whether the secret provided by the user is valid and that the authentication passes on the implementers endpoint.

Incoming Request (for you to receive)

Headers (as documented in authorisation)


Expected Response (for you to send in return)

200 - OK

Only send the 200 (OK) response if you have correctly decoded the request header. If you return 200 (OK) regardless, you cannot guarantee that incoming webhook requests originate with us and your endpoint will be open to abuse.